My Rich Blog
May 4, 2020
If you’re a business owner, specifically a small business owner, SEO is no doubt a priority in your company. In fact, 57 percent of B2B marketers stated that SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative.For anyone not familiar, search engine optimization is the process of growing your online visibility through organic search engine results. Aka increasing your digital footprint without having to pay for it. That said, it’s a complex discipline and can be hard to navigate. To help everyone get a little bit better of an understanding, we put together our own list of DOs and DON’Ts when it […]
April 1, 2020
By now, we are all aware of both the benefits and problems social media can bring to our brands. Virtually free promotion and advertising are right in the palms of our hands, and there are now billions of social media users as of 2020. As a matter of fact, the sheer number of social media users today is staggering. Just check out these Internet usage statistics courtesy of Supply Gem. With such a powerful tool as the Internet at our disposal, how unfortunate would it be for us to utilize the wrong social media platform for our brand? Here are three strategies for determining […]
March 2, 2020
While tools do not the creator make, they almost certainly come in handy for any digital marketer. Thankfully, in the Information Age, we currently enjoy, there is a wealth of resources available to any upstart content creator to optimize their brand as well as their clients’. Below are some of our personal favorites. 1. Unsplash WEBSITE: WWW.UNSPLASH.COM WHY WE LOVE IT: Gone are the days where you needed to pay monthly for hi-res stock photos. With Unsplash, you have free access to some of the most unique and visually stunning hi-res photography you’ll see anywhere on the web. Simply visit their […]
February 8, 2019
Stella Artois – Change Up The Usual The ad for the beer company played on nostalgia by featuring the iconic heroine of the hit sitcom Sex And The City, Carrie Bradshaw, forgoing her trademark Cosmopolitan and instead ordering a Stella Artois. If it’s good enough for Carrie, it’s good enough for us. The game may not have been the most exciting, but the commercials are definitely something to talk about. Below, we’re highlighting some of our personal favorites from the night. Bumble – #InHerCourt This 60-second spot features world-famous Tennis champ Serena Williams encouraging women everywhere to stop waiting because the […]
February 1, 2019
A few weeks ago, we published An Introduction to Live Video Marketing: Part I. Today, we’re going even more in-depth and discussing some more tips and tricks to keep in mind when entering the world of live video marketing. By the end of 2019, 80 percent of the world’s Internet traffic will be video. Furthermore, viewers spend 8x longer with live video compared to video-on-demand. So what is it that makes live video so appealing and what are people looking for when watching? According to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research, a one-minute video has the same value as 1.8 million words, a.k.a. the equivalent to […]
January 25, 2019
Thanks to GoPro, pretty much nothing is unfilmable. Just check out this video offering footage of what it’s like to fly from an eagle’s point of view, or this one for a front-row seat to an owl dance-off. It was this idea, having a camera that could quite literally go anywhere, that inspired the founder & CEO Nick Woodman while on a surfing trip around Australia and Indonesia. Strategic partnerships with key investors got the tech company off the ground, but it was customers merely posting their own videos that got the product on Twitter and Facebook feeds across the country. The company was […]
January 18, 2019
A content calendar is non-negotiable for any digital marketing manager. It may be simple in theory, but in practice, it can be hard to create, and even harder to stick to. Today, we wanted to take some time to talk about some tips and tricks to ensure your content calendar is helping you manage both your content and time as efficiently as possible. Consolidate Your Content Into One Shared Calendar A social media manager has one calendar, a copywriter is scheduling blogs on another, marketing managers keep track of events in yet another timeline, and so on. Not only is […]
January 11, 2019
Last week, we briefly touched on four digital trends to look out for in 2019. But one in particular stands out, so we felt like a full blog post was needed to discuss it. Live video. It’s a tactic that can intimidate many people. Hearing yourself on camera, worrying about your appearance, tripping over your words… it can be scary! But, it can also be an incredibly useful tool in driving sales and generating leads if done right. 70 percent of marketers say video produces more conversions than any other content, and 73 percent of B2B organizations report a positive ROI from video marketing. It’s […]
January 4, 2019
Technology: the ever-evolving arena we live in as digital marketers. Gone are the days when artificial intelligence and voice searches were confined to the sci-fi genre; instead they’ve become a daily part of our lives. 2019 will undoubtedly bring even more advanced trends in the digital landscape, and as marketers, it’s our job to stay on top of them. Live Videos Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live… Everywhere you turn, you now have the ability to engage with followers in real time, to allow them to feel as if they are “part of the moment.” Not only is it a […]