Digital Marketing

May 11, 2018

Video Content is King

Nothing great was ever accomplished without a vision. If we may, please allow us to share with you our vision for you. More importantly, let us help you bring your vision to life. It’s no secret that video content has become a key player in the content marketing landscape, but why is it only as of late that videos have become such a hot marketing commodity? Since the inception of YouTube in 2005, the ability to both post and watch videos has been just one click away at no cost. However, it has only been in more recent years that […]
May 4, 2018

Debunking Three Common Myths About Digital Marketing

Although digital marketing strategies may seem to be all around us in 2018, there is indeed no shortage of myths surrounding this still emerging marketing technique. It is not difficult to fall prey to these misconceptions, particularly if you are a business owner unfamiliar with marketing strategies, so I wanted to take a moment today to examine some of these standard errors and explain why they are not to be trusted. 1. Digital Marketing is Only Successful in Certain Industries While there are indeed some industries that traditionally have a stronger presence online, it is absurd to assume that just […]
April 21, 2018

Understanding Content Marketing

By now, you’ve likely heard that content marketing is sweeping the nation as the leading form of advertising for businesses both small and large. But what is content marketing really and what makes it different from traditional marketing methods? Thanks to ad blockers, more than 200 million people worldwide aren’t seeing paid advertisements, which is great for consumers, but not so great for marketers who have now lost their leading form of advertising. But luckily, that’s where content marketing comes in. Not only does it give companies a way to get around ad blocking software, but it also engages the […]
Understanding Content Marketing
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