Marketing Trends

January 18, 2019

Five Tips for a Great Content Calendar

A content calendar is non-negotiable for any digital marketing manager. It may be simple in theory, but in practice, it can be hard to create, and even harder to stick to. Today, we wanted to take some time to talk about some tips and tricks to ensure your content calendar is helping you manage both your content and time as efficiently as possible. Consolidate Your Content Into One Shared Calendar A social media manager has one calendar, a copywriter is scheduling blogs on another, marketing managers keep track of events in yet another timeline, and so on. Not only is […]
January 11, 2019

An Introduction to Live Video Marketing: Part I

Last week, we briefly touched on four digital trends to look out for in 2019. But one in particular stands out, so we felt like a full blog post was needed to discuss it.   Live video. It’s a tactic that can intimidate many people. Hearing yourself on camera, worrying about your appearance, tripping over your words… it can be scary! But, it can also be an incredibly useful tool in driving sales and generating leads if done right. 70 percent of marketers say video produces more conversions than any other content, and 73 percent of B2B organizations report a positive ROI from video marketing. It’s […]
January 4, 2019

Four Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2019

Technology: the ever-evolving arena we live in as digital marketers. Gone are the days when artificial intelligence and voice searches were confined to the sci-fi genre; instead they’ve become a daily part of our lives. 2019 will undoubtedly bring even more advanced trends in the digital landscape, and as marketers, it’s our job to stay on top of them. Live Videos Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live… Everywhere you turn, you now have the ability to engage with followers in real time, to allow them to feel as if they are “part of the moment.” Not only is it a […]
December 28, 2018

Year In Review: What a Difference a Year Makes

What a difference a year makes. It’s quite amazing how simple those words are and yet how true they ring at the turn of each new year. Around this time last year, I was in the second month of my business, with was the result of a leap of faith, and had just written my first blog for this website on how passion led us here. Back then, I approached the coming new year that would soon dawn with mixed feelings of excitement and fear. On the one hand, I was elated and enthusiastic about the beginning of what would […]
December 21, 2018

Top Five Blog Posts of 2018

And just like that, 2018 has come and gone! It may have only been EMB’s first year, but it certainly kept us busy. We took on new clients, created websites, forged relationships, posted more social media content than we can count, and of course, established our weekly blog. Today, we wanted to take a moment to reflect back on our five most popular blogs from 2018. BRANDING AT ITS FINEST—CULT BRAND: LULULEMON Early on in the year, we began a series of case studies examining companies or advertisements with so-called “cult followings.” In other words, rands that had customer service […]
November 16, 2018

The Value of Influencer Marketing

The ever-changing digital landscape we live in is constantly changing the way we do business. No longer are people merely turning to their peers for recommendations, they’re looking to see what their favorite YouTuber or Insta Blogger has to say about products. This is particularly true for younger generations like Millennials and Generation Z. Thanks to social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram, regular people are now able to build their own brands by generating engaging content from the comfort of their own homes, making them that much more relatable. Unlike celebrities, influencers tend to be more engaging with their followers–they answer […]
November 9, 2018

Understanding How to Market to Different Generations

Labeling the different generations has long been an American pastime, particularly when people are trying to justify or explain specific characteristics. And while it may be fun to poke fun at Millennials and blame us for killing the napkin industry, the truth is understanding how each generation thinks has become a key component in marketing. Recently, some industry insiders have even been coining the term “generational marketing” as a way to modernize marketing strategies. By breaking down and understanding how to connect with the different audiences, you’re gaining a competitive advantage in allowing customers to feel like you know them. Traditionalists […]
October 26, 2018

Am I Budgeting Enough for Marketing in 2019?

We don’t know about y’all, but here at EMB we can’t believe it’s already almost November! Where did 2018 go? As the year comes to an end, many relax, but the wise prepare for the year to come. If you are interested in the continuous upward growth of your brand, then you are most likely planning out your marketing budget for 2019, though if you have not done so yet, no need to fret. This blog post will not only help you begin the brainstorming process, but also force you to answer some challenging self-evaluating questions. Where are Other Companies […]
September 21, 2018

Does my Brand Need an Influencer?

To answer the title question, no, your brand does not necessarily “need” an influencer. There are multiple ways in which your brand can gain traction through the use of digital marketing agencies and things alike. However, it would be a disservice to you as a brand owner to neglect to shed light on what GoogleTrends and Forbes have reported as being the “fastest growing sector of digital marketing.” Although this post may not provide an exhaustive list of considerations regarding joining the trend of influencer marketing, it will offer you a better understanding of what an influencer is and how they can help your […]
Does my Brand Need an Influencer?
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