Digital Marketing

September 23, 2021

Ultimate Guide to Social Media Automation

BY KATREENA Life without social media is unthinkable in this day and age. Thousands of people across the globe rely on social media for entertainment as well as necessities like information and shopping. Noticing this trend, businesses have expectedly leveraged social networking sites to promote their products and services, in a strategy called social media marketing (SMM). Also known as e-marketing or digital marketing, SMM can be used to reach a wider audience and to tailor a company’s messages to its target market.  However, SMM is not as easy as it sounds. As you know, it involves planning, listening, analytics, and advertising. Lots […]
January 28, 2021

Fed Fix: How Long Should Instagram Stories Be?

Article originally posted on Galactic Fed “We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” — Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal. Storytelling is a universal element that makes us uniquely human. Stories spark curiosity, touch emotions, and create lasting impressions that help us understand ourselves, others, and the external world. Above all, stories are engaging. Storytelling has become a crucial component of marketing, as the industry looks to capitalize on the power of stories. Instagram, the social networking application designed for sharing visual content, is a […]
November 25, 2020

Fed Fix: What Is Inbound Marketing?

Article originally posted on Galactic Fed The Information Age is defined as the rapid transmission and access to vast amounts of information. This age has perpetually changed societies, cultures, and economies, including the marketing landscape. In the 1970s, individuals were exposed to an estimated number of 500 daily advertisements. As businesses continued to leverage digital advertising channels, this average grew to a monstrous 6,000 – 10,000 daily advertisements per person in 2020. The invention of the Internet has opened endless opportunities to reach a global audience through digital marketing channels; however, while companies continued to capitalize on this mass exposure, consumers became proficient […]
November 23, 2020

Tips for Curating an Email List That Will Actually Drive Results

As a brand, you want to ensure that you are consistently adding to your pool of potential clients. Email marketing specifically has become one of the No. 1 ways to sell anything online! In the competitive market we are forced to survive in, every email address or phone number can turn into a success story or a referral for the same. How have you been growing your database thus far? Listed below are a few of the most effective ways to develop a database and some of the mistakes even you may have made in the process. The most effective way to […]
January 18, 2019

Five Tips for a Great Content Calendar

A content calendar is non-negotiable for any digital marketing manager. It may be simple in theory, but in practice, it can be hard to create, and even harder to stick to. Today, we wanted to take some time to talk about some tips and tricks to ensure your content calendar is helping you manage both your content and time as efficiently as possible. Consolidate Your Content Into One Shared Calendar A social media manager has one calendar, a copywriter is scheduling blogs on another, marketing managers keep track of events in yet another timeline, and so on. Not only is […]
January 11, 2019

An Introduction to Live Video Marketing: Part I

Last week, we briefly touched on four digital trends to look out for in 2019. But one in particular stands out, so we felt like a full blog post was needed to discuss it.   Live video. It’s a tactic that can intimidate many people. Hearing yourself on camera, worrying about your appearance, tripping over your words… it can be scary! But, it can also be an incredibly useful tool in driving sales and generating leads if done right. 70 percent of marketers say video produces more conversions than any other content, and 73 percent of B2B organizations report a positive ROI from video marketing. It’s […]
January 4, 2019

Four Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2019

Technology: the ever-evolving arena we live in as digital marketers. Gone are the days when artificial intelligence and voice searches were confined to the sci-fi genre; instead they’ve become a daily part of our lives. 2019 will undoubtedly bring even more advanced trends in the digital landscape, and as marketers, it’s our job to stay on top of them. Live Videos Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live… Everywhere you turn, you now have the ability to engage with followers in real time, to allow them to feel as if they are “part of the moment.” Not only is it a […]
August 17, 2018

How the Use of Social Media Can Ruin Your Brand

Starting a business and launching a brand; it seems as if everyone is doing that these days right? In case that isn’t enough pressure, have you also noticed that a social media presence is imperative to the success of your new venture? According to a 2017 report by Infusionsoft, a whopping 71 percent of small businesses and brands plan to use social media to gain new customers in 2018. New customers, clients and new interactions are the goals, but one must always be cognizant of the unique problems social media can bring your company. Lack of Control Over Content Posted Whenever […]
July 6, 2018

Think Inside the Inbox: A Guide to Email Marketing

Emailing has been around for decades, and email marketing is even a weak trend in the eyes of some digital marketers, but the fact is, email remains the third most influential source of information for B2B audiences. If you look at the statistics, you can see why: email is 40x more effective for customer acquisition than Facebook and Twitter combined. That said, not all email campaigns are created equally so today we’ll be talking about some tips and tricks to crafting the perfect marketing email. Now we know a lot of you may be thinking that you hate having your […]
Think Inside the Inbox: A Guide to Email Marketing
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