Business Tips

October 26, 2018

Am I Budgeting Enough for Marketing in 2019?

We don’t know about y’all, but here at EMB we can’t believe it’s already almost November! Where did 2018 go? As the year comes to an end, many relax, but the wise prepare for the year to come. If you are interested in the continuous upward growth of your brand, then you are most likely planning out your marketing budget for 2019, though if you have not done so yet, no need to fret. This blog post will not only help you begin the brainstorming process, but also force you to answer some challenging self-evaluating questions. Where are Other Companies […]
October 5, 2018

Negative Online Reviews? No Problem!

You may have read this title once, and then needed to reread it a couple of times. Fortunately, your eyes do not deceive you! As a business owner, those five golden stars sparkle like those in the night sky. In the instance that you lose one of your stars due to a negative review from an unsatisfied customer, you may begin to feel inadequate or as if you have done something completely wrong and there is no coming back from it, but no need to fret! This post will provide you with a new take on negative reviews, and how […]
September 7, 2018

How to Know When It’s Time to Hire a Copywriter

Copywriting is defined as, “the process of writing advertising promotional materials.” As the creator of a brand, you presumably know the ins and outs of your brand, and also probably believe that you have been doing a decent job of creating your own copy thus far. The good news is you may be right, but what if you were informed of how much a copywriter could benefit and improve the overall quality of your brand’s presence to the masses? “Poor copy cannot overcome faults or gaps in dealer distribution; it cannot even cash in on the finest dealer setups. But good copy […]
July 20, 2018

Navigating the Complex Web of Protecting Customer Data

In the digital age where social sharing is the norm, brands have more opportunities than ever before to reach their target audience across a wide range of media. Moreover, today, digital marketing and advertising via leveraging social media are more affordable than traditional print and TV advertising of just two decades ago. However, this digital age isn’t all golden as there are many risks associated with the free flow of data and information. For starters, brands must be conscious of potential scandals that may befall them in instances of negligence, e.g., racist, sexist or other controversial posts. The recent H&M “Coolest […]
June 1, 2018

Three Tools to Help You Measure Your Marketing ROI

When it comes to tracking and understanding your content ROI, things can get pretty confusing, pretty quickly. Even marketers with years of experience can sometimes struggle with effectively understanding ROI; in fact, only 39 percent of marketers consider themselves even remotely successful at it. So today, we wanted to make all of our lives a little easier and share three tools we have found that can help you understand how productive you are with your content marketing. Built-In Social Media Analytics Cost: Free Not only is it free, but it’s also relatively easy to navigate once you understand the basics. […]
May 18, 2018

The Importance of Prioritizing Customer Care

Customer service. It’s something that is on the mind of every business leader in America but often can get sorted down on the priority list below things like competitive pricing and advertising strategies. However, any business with customers is in the “people” business, and therefore should be making customer service their No. 1 priority. “There is only one boss—the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart As the brilliant Mr. Walton points out in the quote above, at the end of […]
April 21, 2018

Understanding Content Marketing

By now, you’ve likely heard that content marketing is sweeping the nation as the leading form of advertising for businesses both small and large. But what is content marketing really and what makes it different from traditional marketing methods? Thanks to ad blockers, more than 200 million people worldwide aren’t seeing paid advertisements, which is great for consumers, but not so great for marketers who have now lost their leading form of advertising. But luckily, that’s where content marketing comes in. Not only does it give companies a way to get around ad blocking software, but it also engages the […]
January 12, 2018

Rise and Grind: Building a Digital Marketing Agency from Scratch

So I am now in the fourth month of my daring move to quit my job and swim with the sharks. While sharks are born swimming, they do not become expert swimmers on day one. In the same vein, launching Enrich My Brand has been no walk in the park as I am attempting to build a veritable full-service digital marketing agency from scratch. The truth is, I had no seed funding, business loan or line of credit when I ventured out on my own. However, what I did have was my passion, experience, and savvy for brand storytelling. All […]
January 8, 2018

Be Your Own Boss: The Reality

“Be your own boss.” Ah, that phrase is too often casually thrown around. To many people, that sure sounds like living the dream; having a whole lot of fun doing what you love without having to answer to anyone else is surely a goal we should all be striving to achieve, right? Wrong. Not if we’re not wired for the daily grind that ensues, or we don’t possess the necessary work ethic to survive the invariable challenges, especially in the startup phase of our business. The reality for most self-employed people who consider themselves their own boss is far from […]
Be Your Own Boss: The Reality
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