Too often, people talk about passion but seldom do they live it. Passion, by definition, is a “strong and barely controllable emotion.” When something is barely controllable, it is almost like an addiction; it grips you, consumes you, and doesn’t let you go until you’ve indulged in it fully. Think about that feeling of being in love, those “butterflies” in your stomach. I’m sure most of us have been there. Interestingly enough, it is that magnitude of emotion that best conveys passion.
Now, when it comes to starting a business or building a brand, you really shouldn’t indulge unless you’re passionate about what it is you’re starting. Whatever concept, idea, or service you wish to bring to birth or take to market requires more than a simple desire to have something you can call your own or so you can use the overused term, entrepreneur. It also takes more than a goal to become rich and/or famous through what you believe you have to offer the world. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with these kinds of aspirations; I’m simply saying they won’t give your business or brand staying power because the road ahead is usually long, rough, and rugged.

The truth is, starting a business and taking it from startup to profitability or building a brand and taking it from concept to a household name will require that same zeal, that strong and barely controllable emotion. It is that emotion that will have you at the crossroads of should and must. “Must I continue to do what is comfortable like keeping a job I enjoy but am not fulfilled at because I can depend on a steady paycheck?” Or, “Should I dare to trust that emotion, venture out on my own and start my own brand?” That is precisely the judgment call I recently had to make when I decided to launch Enrich My Brand.
Gripped by an unyielding emotion, I chose to resign from a pretty good job with the promise of a promotion and significant raise and bonus looming at the end of the year to face the risks of the unknown–building a brand of my own. That is how I and the team poised to build Enrich My Brand got here–led by passion. I hope that my story might inspire yours; perhaps give you the courage to take a leap of faith and soar to your next venture; provided, of course, it is your passion that leads you there.
Yours truly,
Kenny, Founder & Chief Wordsmith